Key results:
- Transparency on site/Network performance
- Site profiles acc. defined criteria (see next page), esp. value streams
- Key requirements to future network
- Cost factors and key cost drivers
- Guiding principles for Operations design
- Long-list network scenarios
- Score based evaluation of network options
- Recommendation for best-fit network options (qualitative)
- Risk evaluation
- Prioritized short-list of Operations scenarios
- Consolidated data model covering As-Is network portfolio
- GF scenarios integrated in data model
- Benefit calculation of each GF scenario validated
- Profile for preferred GF Scenarios
- Quantitative evaluation for most promising network scenarios
- The business case for 2-3 preferred options
- Feasibility and attractiveness check
- The final recommendation for GF Design to Senior Management
- High-level transfer matrix and implementation plan (decisions, schedule, milestones, responsibilities)